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Портфо́лио — собрание образцов работ, фотографий, дающих представление о предлагаемых услугах организации (фирмы) или специалиста (модель, фотограф, дизайнер, архитектор и т. д.)

Учебные материалы по программированию на языке Лого. Старые, но не совсем устаревшие:
Учебные материалы разных курсов и разделов информатики 

    Презентация для выступления на семинаре Wingate'2011
      In recent years in Russia (and many other countries as well) there have been many intensive educational reforms. However these reforms haven't revolutionized learning environment. It hasn't happened partly because the reforms have focused too much on technologies (heavy investments in computer, digital connections, digital recourses, etc.) and not enough on the reconstruction of learning environment, including pedagogical design, as an integral system.
      And now we are facing the situation, where learning environment has a hgh-tech appearance, but is out-of-date in essence and doesn't correspond to the realities of the modern world.
      At the seminar I'm going to introduce the participants to the approach to the problem undertaken by the teachers from ORT de Gunzburg school (St.Petersburg, Russia).
      Starting the work we have formulated the core principals:
      1. The approach should be system, but the experiment may be local. That is, we started with two subjects — ICT and English language.
      2. The approach should be based on ICT and digital recourses.
      3. The approach should be based on the results of the modern pedagogical investigations and follow the deductions relative to learning environment:
        1. it recognizes the learners as its core participants, encourages their active engagement and develops in them the understanding of their own activity as learners,
        2. encourages learners to monitor, evaluate and optimize their acquisition of knowledge,
        3. deploys assessment strategies consistent with the clear learning expectations,
        4. is sensitive to the individual differences,
        5. is founded on the social nature of learning and encourages well-organized co-operative learning,
        6. offers all necessary facilities for hard work for all without excessive overload.
      All this brought us to the idea of the modular school educational system, where students could chose their individual educational tracks. 
      While modular system is the content of the approach, the frame of it is a well known Virtual Learning Environment Moodle (Moodle stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).
      The basics of the school modular system, main principals of its organization, merits and demerits, doubts and new vision will be brought for the discussion.